Is it caused by description of Oriental medicine / alternative medicine experience ◆ sugar?

It is TEL according to the original promise I whom I submit hair to the House of treatment during hospitalization, and cooked it put an appointment after a discharge on the telephone, and to go to a treatment House.
 Therefore I exchange the first meeting talk over a telephone with Mr. director.

 What I already forgot most of conversation contents, but had a terrible impact

 "A cause is sugar". "

 と is what it was asserted.

 By the way, I at that time "why?" "(It is ← and ... which it is made, and is doubtful not to be able it hardens after this, and to react)

 The abusive language that there could be with hatred for sugar was surely written in a pamphlet endlessly and read it while thinking whether you "would be true", but I was overwhelmed when I contacted with the person in question.

 But the idea why what I did not make was frightful in those days and was fresh what I ground.
 The reason is because it has not thought about such a thing either.

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