What description of Oriental medicine experience ◆I learned

 【"what an ill definition" is] What is a definition of "" health? "】

 In the days of fight against illness, what is an ill definition in one of having thought in doubt when I have begun to examine ill things in various ways? What is a definition of "" health? There was ".
 I remember that I was surprised that there is not this answer.

 ... without a clear definition of the starting point and terminus ad quem

 The state to have only feelings to be said whether it should not have hurt simply was the uneasiness that was terrible for intractable disease and me who was in a unidentified state who said.

 【When tie up a disease and health; about a state of a body】

 (This item is that I learned from the K teacher who is taken care of now.)

 A state of a current body is a result of a habit of the past.
 Even more than it are not thereunder.

 I do not make knowledge health

 Color and luster of skin, stiffness and a pain of a body, a glance, behavior behave not what there is somewhere of a brain and the body which went, and there is a heart in all of the person.

 【In the first place a person getting seriously ill is ...】

 A person getting seriously ill has a sensor upset clearly.
 The reset is necessary by all means.

 【It is ... with the contents of the Oriental medicine that I experienced】
  I change an ill state through remedial education of mind and body

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